Archive for the ‘ Reponses to blogs ’ Category

Elevator Speech

A blog post from Librarian Unafraid really got me thinking this morning about my “elevator speech.” You know, the one you give to people when they ask youElevator Buttons why you are studying to get your MLIS, or why you are/want to be a librarian. Here’s the original article, and below is the elevator speech I brainstormed this morning.  I deffinately think it is a work in progress, but it was fun to try and put into words why I choose this career path.  What about you?  What would your elevator speech be?  Do you have any suggestions for mine?  Feel free to share yours in the comment section below!


Elevator Speech

Question: What made you want to go to school to become a librarian?

Answer: I’ve always been drawn to the public library. In fact any time I move, the first thing I do is get a library card! It’s the best way to instantly feel like you are a part of your community. Plus, who doesn’t love taking advantage of free resources and materials? When I decided to go back to school for my master’s, I realized that I could make a career out of my passion for the public library by studying the profession. My classes are so much more than the Dewey Decimal System and reading books. I’m learning about integrating technology into a community, how to plan and promote programs, how to develop working relationships with key community members and advocate for grant money. Every day is something different and exciting, and I love the fact that I have now become an advocate for the preservation of the Library. My degree is giving me skills that are applicable in a wide variety of circumstances and I couldn’t be more pleased with my decision.